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Panduan Penulis


Journal of Research in Foreign Language Teaching 

P-ISSN: 2597-4920; E-ISSN: 2597-4939

Year/ Vol. xx /No. x




Article Title; Garamond; Size-16



Author’s Name (1)

Author’s email


Author’s Name (2)

Author’s email


Author’s Name (3)

Author’s email






Provide the abstract of the study by presenting research purposes, research methodology, and findings of the study. This must be written in English using Garamond font, 12 size, and single-spaced. The length of the abstract should be around 100 to 250 words.


Keywords:   at least 5 to 6 keywords or phrases.


A.  Introduction

Provide an adequate background of the research to show the research gap. Also, provide some review of related literature. Paragraphs should be single space. The section headings are arranged alphabetically, bold and 12 font size Garamond, single spacing.


B.  Literature Review

Provide adequate and brief literatures related to the study.


C.  Research Methodology

Provide in detail how the study was conducted. Include a complete descriptions of how the methods were used.

1.  Participants / Population and Sample

Write the participants/population and Sample used in the study.

2.  Instruments

Describe what and how the instruments were used in the study.

3.  Data Analysis

Describe how the data were analyzed in the study.


D.  Findings

This part summarizes the collected data and how the analysis conducted on those data. The Findings of the study should be clear and concise based upon the objective of the study and should present the factual result based analysis without expressing personal opinion. It includes numbers, tables, and figures (e.g., charts and graphs).


Table 1: An example of a table


Column A

Column B











E.  Discussion

This section should explore the significance of the results of the study. A combined Findings and Discussion section is also appropriate. This section allows you to offer your interpretation and explain the meaning of your results. Emphasize any theoretical or practical consequences of the results.

The Discussion section should be a reasoned and justifiable commentary on the importance of your findings. This section states why the problem is important; what larger issues and what propositions are confirmed or disconfirmed by the extrapolation of these findings to such overarching issues.


F.  Conclusion

The main conclusions of the study should be presented in a short Conclusions section. Do not repeat earlier sections.





David Post, Michael. (2009). Representations of Meaning Within Textual Personas: An Analysis of 2008 US Presidential Campaign Speeches. Unpublished Thesis. Magister Program. University of Birmingham.

Fairclough, N., Mulderrig, J. and Wodak, R. (2011). Critical Discourse Analysis. In Van Dijk (ed.) Discourse Studies. A multidisciplinary Introduction. London: Sage.

Fauzan, Umar. (2014). Developing EFL Speaking Materials for the Second Semester Students of STAIN Samarinda. Proceedings of 61th TEFLIN International Conference. Oct, 2014. pp. 861-864. UNS Surakarta.

Halliday, M.A.K and Matthiessen, Christian. (2004). An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold.

Nadzrah Abu Bakar. (2007). Factors that contribute to the effective use of computers in the classroom: A case study. AsiaCall Journal Online Vol 2. Retrieved April 14, 2009 from Nov2007.

Ningrum, A. S. B., Latief, M.A., and Sulistyo, G. H. (2016). The Effect of Mind Mapping on EFL Students’ Idea Development in Argumentative Writing across Gender Differences and Learning Styles. Dinamika Ilmu. Vol. 16 No 1, 2016. doi:

Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu. (2016). Using Local Drama in Writing and Speaking: EFL Learners’ Creative Expression. Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, Vol 1. No 1, 2016. doi:

Van Dijk, T. A. (2007). Macro Contexts. Lecture First International Conference on Discourse and Intercultural Relations, University of Murcia, September 2004. In U. Dagmar Scheu Lottgen and José Saura Sánchez (Eds.), Discourse and International Relations. (pp. 3-26). Bern: Lang.

Van Leeuwen, T. (2008). Discourse and Practice. New Tools for Critical Discourse Analysis. New York. Oxford University Press.


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